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Need help applying the offer? Check out our helpful guide by clicking on Ticketmaster Offer Instructions below!

Ticketmaster Offer Instructions

For offers with a promotional code:

Apply the code prior to selecting tickets and checking out. To apply the code, locate the 'Unlock' button on the event detail page.


Once the code is applied, Ticketmaster will automatically apply the discount and it will be reflected in the new ticket prices that appear.


Please note that for some events, the offer only applies to select tickets.

For offers without a promotional code:

To apply the offer, locate the 'Filters' button on the event detail page. Once toggled, the special offers will appear under the ticket type.


Please note that for some events, the offer only applies to select tickets.

Feb 6 - 9, 2025 , 7:30pm


Chrysler Hall



Me + 3 - Save 25% on 4 tickets!
No code required.

Valid for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday evening performances while supplies last.


A limited number of lottery tickets for MJ will be made available for each performance. The digital lottery is open for entries the day prior to each performance, from 8 a.m. - 2.p.m. Lottery winners will be randomly selected and contacted via email to process their payment; tickets will be available at Will Call for pickup 1hr prior to showtime. Lottery tickets are $25 each plus fees. Entrants may request up to a maximum of 2 tickets for this production. Broadway Direct is the official vendor for all Broadway in Norfolk lotteries.